Thursday, April 7, 2011

how do my products use, develop and challenge forms and conventions of real media products.

my album cover (left) has both conventional properties, as well as unconventional. it is conventional as it uses one main image to take up the whole picture which is very common on cd covers to do so as most CD's have this factor and i have chosen to use that because i wanted it to stand out but be simple rarther than looking like it is 'trying to hard' to be different. the front cover image however is unconventional, because on most rock/pop album covers it has a man/woman trying to look beautiful and glamorous, but i am not trying to do that im trying to show feeling just through the eyes of the character, and i want the mise-en-scene to ask questions to the audience so they think ' why is he wearing that mask?'. another conventional theme to the cover is that all of he colours link in wel with eachother and within the actual title, by this i mean 'strawberry' is red and 'fields' is green, this works well as i have used pastely colours to match the jumper of the character. it is unconventional of an album cover to not say the bands name, but i did not feel that this was important because it is a notorious enough song for this to not need to be said, if it did hav the name of the band on it would automatically draw attention away from the images because they are so famous.

the back of my CD case is very conventional again as it has one main picture taking up all the space like the front. it also uses the same objects, but the mask is happy this time rarther than sad which is a very slight difference which most may not know, but if you do its jus one of them little clever things you notice. i took inpiration for this from a pink floyd album; Echoes. again all of the colours link in with all of the products with red being the main theme. i wated all of my products to link in the sense that you can tell there apart of the same family, but i wanted them all to be very different contextualy and i think i have done this quite well.

my poster on first glance may look very simple, but as i have just stated i want it to seem quite random and off the point, but it does link in with my other products. i have used the same colours and font for the writing, and again i havent mentioned the bands name because it does not need to be said i feel as instead its like a teaser, by this i mean how on call of duty adverts for example, months before the game comes out they will just show something what is famous of the game s you know it is coming, and that is what feeling i want to be around my poster and other products for that matter. the main image takes up the whole image which is conventional again, but the image is not as it has got nothing to do with music, the beatles or my other products. however it is in a field which links in with the title and it gives the mystery feeling and i think this is portrayed throghout my products.

my music video is very conventional in the sense of how it is structed very narritively. but the shots used and costumes worn are unconventional. also it is just shot in a house which seems very dull and boring and other music videos are not usually just in a house. in th music video the main male characteris wearing the same jumper from the cd cover so the products link, and the red wall is also quite prominant throughout the video and my products. another uncventional aspect of my video is that i have put a 'dream glow' over the video so it all seems quite earie and strange, this also links in with te ending as it was all a dream, and then at this point i have put a soft focus on the video because they have just woke up and your eyes are a bit blurry, then it goes back into the dream glow when it is zoomed in on the lips so that you are again asking questions about the video and this is a deffinate theme throughout all of my products.


Within my music video, it tells a story of a man and woman who are together, but the man abuses and disrespects her by not pulling his wait in the relationship and letting her do all of the cleaning and tidying and he does not even acknowledge her in any way. the song i have chosen does not specificaly say any of this within its lyrics, but that is what i have interperuted that they mean. i have come to think of these interperutations because the lyrics seem like metaphors for example, in the first line ' living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see' is not a specific thing in the sense that there are no nouns to link between the visuals and lyrics so to me that first line says a man is being iggnorant 'eyes closed' and not pulling his weight and realising how his wife feels 'misunderstanding al you see'. these lyrics are mirrored throughout the first verse so in my music video this is mirrored so that it is just showing the woman doing al of the work and being lonely and the man is just sitting in the same place to reresent how he doesnt care. so throughut the first verse my visuals are amplifying what i feel the lyrics are trying to say, but through metaphors. the chorus is where the video starts to change and that is shown by a weird shot of the main character and it looks strange, strawberry fields is a prominent theme of the music video and whenever strawberry fields forever is mentioned it is made to seem like a dream because it is so when this is mentioned the video is trying to give you a hint that it is a dream, the masks in the video are also to give you a hint that it is a dream and to represent their loss of identity which is also a key theme of the video. the lyrics throughout the chorus are showig the change in the relationship of the main chaacters and it shows how the woman is far happier without the man but how the man is very unhappy. the second and last verse starts ou with the line 'always know sometimes think its me, but you know i know when its a dream' , which says that he has woken up from his bad dream and has realised who he is and what he wants so therfor takes off his mask. the next few lines are just sort of saying the same thing of how he loves his wife, but then the last line finishes on a bad note again which saysthat maybe their relationship is a circle and it will all happen again and so i have dubbed in the chorus of the words ' strawberry fields forever' so that i seems like they are in the dream again which is amplifyed in the video.

Genres are complex and diverse in terms of music video style and iconography.

after extensive research, my chosen song is catorgerised in the genre of rock/pop, which is quite a wide genre with lots of different conventions. the usual style of video for this genre however is quite abstract and unusual, but with a lot of live action from the band or singer with a lot of close ups of them. i have caried these key themes through to my video with the unusual contents of my video and lots of close ups of the characters,but i have included no live action in my video because i didnt think it would fit in. i have noticed that other conventions of rock/pop videos are bright colours, and i have used this in my music video especially with the colour red. i previously stated in my research sector of my project that i wanted to include strange obscure items in my video and i have done this by including the masks as itmakes you want to watch it as you dont understand why they're really there until the end.

Record companies will demand a lot of close/ups of the main artist/vocalist.

in my music video there is nobody performing the song as such, but i did include many close ups of the main characters as possible to give it a real music video feel. because my characters are wearing masks it also seems strange and kind of pointless to have lots of close ups of the characters as there facial expression never changes and i rely more on their bodies to portray emotion. My video follows a very narritive structure so this also hinders the amount of close ups needed or that could fit into the music video.

Andrew Goodwins theory of music videos.

my music video definately conforms to Andrew Goodwins theory as it contains all of his points in the same order. however, even though my music video is completely narrative it could still be seen as unconventional as at the end of the video they wake up and it was all a dream and that breaks the theory in a way.


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